The new platform reduces the fuel consumption and emissions by 33% to 45%, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by 10 to 15%, and this with significantly better driving performances.
The new Truck & Bus Platform with Advanced Hydrostatic Drivetrain works like the Hydraulic Hybrid – Ingocar.
The four hydraulic wheel-motors drive and brake the vehicle. They allow for outstanding acceleration and better braking performance than current drum or disk brakes. Dust is not produced during braking, and brake pads are not needed. All-wheel steering, by applying two front axles, and the recuperation of dampening energy are easy to obtain.
How it works: The free-piston engine pumps pressurized fluid into the accumulator (energy storing device) and will be turned off when the accumulator is charged. The fluid drives the wheel motors up to maxi-mum speed without shifting. When braking, the motors are reversed and pump the entire braking energy back into the accumulator. The load at the axle during braking determines the capacity of the wheel motors. However, the actual rear-axle load during driving can be higher.
Oil- and water pump are not required, and having no crank and valve mechanism, the engine operates nearly without friction at very high combustion pressure and constant speed. (See: Section 'Drivetrain') Therefore, significant less fuel is used (-30%), and the recuperation of all braking energy reduces the consumption further - by a total of -45% in the city and -33% in HWY driving. This reduces the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by 10 to 15%. (TCO assumption: 1/3 Driver, 1/3 Fuel, 1/3 Truck + maintenance)
The weight of the complete drivetrain (2,820 lb.) is noticeably less than that of conventional drivetrains and less than 1/3 of the weight of the battery for comparable electric trucks. The lower weight and space needed result in additional space and payload. The higher driving performances and lower maintenance costs (brakes, engine) reduce the TCO further.