Weight |
Ingocar 1,290 lbs - Platform 740 lbs |
Length, Width, Height |
170“ x 70“ x 57“ |
Mileage |
190 mpg. |
Engine |
40 hp 35 lbs. |
Accumulator |
1.6 MJ (36 hp·min) |
Wheel motors (4) |
485 hp 64 lbs. |
Speed (max) |
100 mph |
Acceleration |
2.5 sec. (0-62 mph) |
Travel |
1,000 miles |
Trunk space |
22 cu ft. (7 front, 15 rear) |
Safety |
Active bumpers (4 sides, each 24" extension) |
CO₂ Emissions |
33 gr/km |
The Ingocar achieves extreme low fuel consumption and emissions at currently not obtainable performances and safety conditions. The 190 mpg is based on simulating the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC).
The extraordinary high reductions in weight, fuel consumption and emissions are the result of the lightweight platform structure with active bumpers, high-pressure free-piston combustion engine, and the recuperation of the entire braking energy into the accumulator, the backbone of the vehicle. The Ingocar is therefore 2,200 lbs. lighter and noticeably less costly than comparable cars.
The platform will be produced in large numbers for various types of vehicles and offered as subassembly to the OEM.
The car consists of platform and body. Both are produced independent-ly from each other and are combined at the final assembly through four dampening elements and connectors of the electronic controls. Size and power of the platform are determined by the weight, wheelbase, type of the vehicle and track of the car. Model change-over, repair and maintenance are much simpler.
The car platform (without side bumpers)
The load carrying platform is drivable and consists of the accumulator, engine, and four wheel motors. Bumpers on all four sides are extended automatically by 2 feet and absorb the impact energies from speeds up to 40 mph, at 7g. The energy from higher speed are also fully absorbed, but result in higher g-forces. When contacting light objects (pedestrian, bicycles), the setting will automatically adjust to 'soft' to reduce the forces significantly.
The characteristic of the hydro-pneumatic shock absorbers of the suspension and between platform and body are electronically adjust-able. The undesirable movements of the car body (leaning, diving) are avoided and the absorption of shocks significantly improved. The recuperated energies are stored in the accumulator.
Bursting of the accumulator during an accident is nearly impossible due to the long distances (48") available to absorb the crash energy. In addition, most of the non-flammable gas is released shortly before impact.
Active hydraulic bumpers and an electronic control system allow for a cloud controlled bumper-to-bumper traffic pattern to increase safety and reduce fuel consumption and emissions. The very simple control of the hydrostatc drive (speed, accu state of charge (SOC), engine (on-off), and movable bumpers (entering - leaving the train) support outonomous driving. The independent torque control of each wheel allows ´torque-vectoring´, improving stabilty and handling of the vehicle.
Bumper in driving position
The free-piston engine and wheel motors (braking) pump fluid under high pressure (up to 6,800 psi) into the accumulator and compress the non-flammable Nitrogen gas to store the energy. When reaching the desired SOC, the engine will be automatically turned off. Pressurized fluid drives the wheel motors up to maximum speed, without shifting. For braking, the motors are reversed and pump the entire recuperated braking energy back into the accumulator. The energy is sufficient for a driving distance of about 3 miles. The SOC is controlled to provide always full capacity for acceleration and braking. The accumulator has an unlimited life, maintains its full capacity also at low temperatures, and its production does not require materials from foreign countries.
The simulation of the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) results in a fuel consumption of 190 mpg and CO2 emissions of 33 g/km. The high mileage results from the reduced vehicle weight of 2,200 lbs. (-65%), low specific fuel consumption of the free-piston engine (-35%), recupe-ration of the entire braking energy (City -31%, NEDC -14%), and low drag resistance (cw = 0.22, smooth underbody, small cooling surfaces).
Particulate matter (PM) from braking is eliminated through the hydrostatic drive system, and tire wear significantly reduced (-3/4) due to the low vehicle weight (-2/3) and narrow tires.
Automotive Lightweighting
The calculation of the weight for the car body is based on computer simulations, and that of the car body from research reports from the Rocky Mountain Institute. (T.C. Moore, A.B. Lovins: Vehicle Design Strategies to Meet and Exceed PNGV Goals.)
Electric-Hydraulic Module
An Electric-Hydraulic Module (E-Module) consisting of a battery, electric motor with a hydraulic pump for charging the accumulator can be attached to the front axle. The portable module weighs 130 lbs. (battery 95 lbs.) allows for emission-free travel for up to 60 miles.
The bumpers for side impacts are not shown for proprietary reasons.
The video INGOCAR and the Platform with Electric Module show previous versions of the Hydraulic Hybrid.